Monday, October 6, 2008

King Killer!!!!

I killed the king today!!! lol. I went with Xyra today.. again. lol. So funny, we go on lots of hunts and stuff together. lol. Maybe we should make a tv show. The adventures of Xyra and Cyrus in WYD Land. hehehe. Would need loads of pots for it though, and a lot of editing out the parts where I die. lol

I am so missing taking part in the shout event. lol. But I have no shouts!!! hehe. Good Event CMs and GMs, keep up the good work.

I was invited by OnlyKim to be involved in another of her interviews. lol. So col. WYD has its own Oprah xD hehehe. I forgot to take a SS of it. lol. Way to go though on your show Kim. See you round WYD.

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