Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ooo the casino....

OO.. the casino... wow!!!... wait a min!! where all the lights and cute divas that are supposed to be around here??? lol. Just kidding.

Well... it looks good enough. I guess I'll go in and check it out. lol

ps. nice red carpet. Really makes me feel important. wahahahaha!!

Hmm... the tables don't work.... waaaa!! I was looking forward to some Blackjack. I love that game. lol. Not to bad at it as well, until the dealer starts cheating xD lol.
GM should get the developers to make the tables start working. lol. Though roulette no-one cares about. lol. We need Blackjack and Crabs!!! lol.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Upon these barren wastelands he hunts
Day in and day out
Killing the horrible monstrosities that have invaded this sacred land
They appeared like a swarm of fire ants
Emerging from the depths of the earth
Attacking all in there way
And shredding it to bits
Many stand against these monster
But they cannot be abolished
The more they are killed, the more they appear
They have ravaged this land
Decimating all that have stood in their way
Showing no mercy to those to weak to defend themselves
He now stands for those that have fallen
Taking revenge on these horrible creatures
Eventually..... eventually....
He will face the ultimate beast
He will slay it....
Beware Kephra, for you are in his sights

Monday, October 6, 2008

King Killer!!!!

I killed the king today!!! lol. I went with Xyra today.. again. lol. So funny, we go on lots of hunts and stuff together. lol. Maybe we should make a tv show. The adventures of Xyra and Cyrus in WYD Land. hehehe. Would need loads of pots for it though, and a lot of editing out the parts where I die. lol

I am so missing taking part in the shout event. lol. But I have no shouts!!! hehe. Good Event CMs and GMs, keep up the good work.

I was invited by OnlyKim to be involved in another of her interviews. lol. So col. WYD has its own Oprah xD hehehe. I forgot to take a SS of it. lol. Way to go though on your show Kim. See you round WYD.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New recruit xD

New chapter for Cyrus today. He has joined the ranks of Shield guild. Hoping to continue his self appointed job of 'serve and protect' lol. xD I'll just see how it goes. No giuld war today, but hey, Cy not really combat ready yet. lol

At least got more drops than yesterday in the snowfield. lol. Although, they are just fairy parts. lol. Maybe might use them one day... in ten years. lol

Heard that CM Tonbarry has left us.... hmm... that is sad.. Wish you all the best T, wherever you going. Was fun having you here ^^

Went to watch the academy league today.. Found it a bit unfair though... Yes, some coutries have more players than others.. but still.. Its not fair, as one of these countries will always win.

And some countries have maybe only 1 or 2 players on at that time. They don't get a chance to fight. But well, if the GMs find it ok for the imbalance, then.. I guess we just have to accept it.

Good day to you all, and happy wyding

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My lucky day for shout event started out like any other day. lol. I managed to sel SOMEthing, lol. Finally. lol. I think the credit crisis affecting the world has hit WYD as well. lol. Everyone is broke. lol. Thought game economy and real life one is different. lol. Hope I manage to sell something today xD I'm saving for M scrolls. lol. Need to level up.

Went to kephra to hunt today. Following up on a lead about some good drops. lol. Lets just say.... the drop rate really sucks... or there something up with Kephra dungeon, lol. Spent 2 hours there, and only got 1 lak scrap!!!! hahaha!! Used up about 1100 health Funny. I'll try go with a beastmaster next time, or a hunter.

I was really lucky in the shout event today. Got 3 out of the 5 questions right. Almost free laks!! yaaaay!! lol. +9 my dexterity earing and glory ankh now. So glad thats over and done with. Met CM Aruman for the first time.... briefly. lol. Next time stay a bit longer xD and interesting choice of weapons. lol. xD I did manage to get a SS of Aruman before he disappeared again. lol. Gotcha!!! xD I.m out of shouts now... so.. hehehe. Don't know what I'll do. lol.

And I was enlightened on a bug that is in the game. lol. Very funny Kim xD See how we under water in the pic. lol. Funny. And no swimming gear xD lol. Armour very heavy, so sink to the bottom. lol. CM Aruman, how come you didn't comment on our lovely positioning on the WYD map? xP lol.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Meet GM Loki day xD

My my, what luck I had today. lol. Or...well...UN-luck. lol. In the shout event I was slow to type...again. lol. Boss won so many laks from events. lol.

This shot from the shout event. Xyra got a ques right and GM Loki came to give her lak. Good to see the GM in game. I hardly see them. lol. Guess they always go to other servers. xD

Later on in the day was so funny. Was hanging out with Xyra, she noticed CM Dhars shouts for a pig race, and she wanted to go. So was like. ok. no problem. lol. I had no pig though xD Luckily Thyrene lent hers to me. Was so funny. Think I was to heavy for that pig. lol. I came 2nd last. lol. Boss won....again!! lol. CM Dhar also took place in the event. was good fun. lol. And Loki. I want to pig surf as well!!! lol. You look cool pig surfing. lol. I hav to ride it. I'm heavy xD lol.

The race was from Armia to Azran. Nearly stopped to kill a guardian or 3. lol. Can't help not killing them. lol. They asking for it. lol. After the event we hung out a bit. lol. CM Tonbarry also passed by. She was looking deadly as usual. lol. With her grim reaper weapons. lol.

I also had an interview with OnlyKim today. Was...interesting...very serious-ish though xD lol. Cheers Kim. When my next one? I'll bring my charming self. lol. And thanks again Rhyrene for lending me your pig ^^,

Good to see in game Loki, Tonbarry and Dhar. Keep up the good work. Hope you make mount racing a permanent event. lol xD

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New armour!!!!!!

Hello all. welcome to my blog for today. I'm so thrilled with my new armour xD thanks again CMs, and GMs. Despite the wonderful gift from the game, I managed to get my slayer pants to +10. yaaaaaay!!! xD lol. I'm so glad it didn't fail. Would have not played wyd for 2 yeah right!!! xD lol. How do I look? lol

If I could take video would take video of Cyrus modelling his new armour. lol. Buuuut well. All of you will have to settle to seeing him in Thanks again to Axec and Xyra, for telling me I won the God plate. lol.

And CMs. That was a funny question with the ALPHABET today. lol. You realy got me there xD lol.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wow!!! Big surprise today!!!

Firstly, did you manage to find Cy in the pic yesterday? Because I didn't. lol. Will put the answer up as soon as i find him. lol.

I'm enjoying my long days on WYD. Hunting irontarons and snowfield wolves, getting craps xP lol. Just can't afford any M scrolls at the moment. lol xD broke xD so so broke xD lol. Won 2 laks today in the shout event, funny, funny event that Would have won more, but no shouts. lol. xD

Something very unexpected happened today. lol. Found out I won a God armour Was totally unexpected. lol. I wasn't even going to look because I didn't imagine I would have won something. lol. Thanks again CMs and GMs. Will reveal it in tomorrows blog xD lol. No photo shoot though. lol. Sorry to let u down. lol. Still totally spooked!!! lol

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spot Cy xD

Hello all. welcome to my blog for today xD Lets play a little game of spot Cyrus. lol. Went for a water N today, and was thinking....hmmm....hide and seek. lol xD so click the pic to enlarge it, n good luck finding me xD lol. CMs will give you lak if you do (unofficial) lol. If Cms find me.....then they give me lak. lol

Long day today. Can't believe how much time I spend on this Addicted. lol. Seeeeeeriously. lol. Saw CM Dhar today. He was busy racing his pig. lol. Looked like good fun, but was to busy admiring the weapon I want to Anct thorn of shard, piercing My eyes dazzle when I see them. lol. See you tomorrow everyone xD

Monday, September 29, 2008

Funny day

OM goodness. Today was a very.....interesting day...lots happened. lol.

Went on 3 or was it 4 duel letters, we were very unlucky. lol. Only managed to get the boss once, and time finished just as we were about to kill him. lol. was funny. After trying so hard. lol

Had a water M as well. That is the funniest water M I've been on. Had everything in there. Action, drama, comedy lol. Only romance was missing. lol. Not that it was needed xD lol.

WYD is cool. meet cool people more frequently these days. Sup Silver xD see you round, you to head-hunter xD lol

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lone wolf.....

Level 286 now. yay!!! I'm surprised at how strong the god characters are. It's really amazing. lol. I was hunting in the snowfield today.... alone!!! with lots of pots. lol.

But thats me...the lone wolf, the lone ranger. If I can stand alone, I will xD lol. Met zeken today. Cheers for the interesting deal zeken. See you round in game. He a cool guy from what I have seen so far xD ....apart from when he gets into scary PK mode. lol. Like in seige war. lol.

Another long day, comes to an end. Thanks GMs for the double exp rate. Really helped loads xD look forward to your next delightful gift like that xD lol

Saturday, September 27, 2008

2nd meeting can be good (^-^,)

My oh my. I don't know how you do it. lol. Kept me up aaaaaaall night. lol. Finally managed to get into an N share today. At 4AM!!!! lol. Was so tired Gained a few levels so thats good. I'm looking forward to the double exp and drop rate now.

Hunted with Zombi today. Was an interesting meeting. This the second time we met, 1st time wasn't so....rosey. lol. I just ended up moving spots then, he was God, iwas mortal xD lol. But hey, I guess there are good people out there. lol. And thanks Cannibal, for the TK tips. I try my best xD

Well...its been i reeeeeeeally long day. lol. Geting ready for bed....finally, after not sleeping because of waiting for an N share. lol. Adict!!!I know. xD lol

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bad day on WYD....

Hmmm...sorry for the late blog..guess it will just have to go into tomorrows blog entries. Didn't want to touch anything to do with WYD yesterday. Failed in making an Ancient weapon... :( ALL weapons!!! GONE!!! waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *sniff* *sniff* such a waste of money...

You can see Cy, taking out his frustration on a bunch of Taron. lol. And gained one level doing so. lol. Still need a healer though.

Sooooo long levelling god characters. Just waitng for Saturdays double exp rate. Gonna hunt like mad person. lol

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Longest AFK hunting.....

Longest AFK hunting I have done in a while!! lol. Started off in dungeon on Fire golems. Hmm...what can I say? Levelling a God. GMs really made you regret creating a God, huh? lol. It's good, so there won't be too many running around. lol.

Today, was so funny. Went for a group hunt with Homax and callmeboss in the desert. Went to hunt purbleworms. I kept dieing!!! hahahaha. Felt like class A noob. lol. Kept thinking to myself, really wish Cy original was here. lol. He not die so easy against those things, infact, he eat them for lunch xD lol. Oh yes. And no money boxes for me. Though I must admit, I was tempted to look for one. lol. See!!!! Evil!!!! lol

I do not know why...but for some strange reason, my browser is refusing to upload pics to this blog today...hope it not a virus xD lol.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not much play today xD lol

Hello all. Didn't play WYD that much today, lol. Because I was up till 3AM playing it, and ended up waking up late, then running like a headless chicken to go and do what I had to. lol

But when I was online, talked to thyrene.....for the first time!!!. lol. She is really cool, she took us on an M/N share, was a mixture. Was fun. lol. Thanks thyrene. ps. Your hunter is really cool xD when you goin God? xD

OM Goodness!!! Talk about level 351 mortal. lol. Levelling a god character is like an endless level 351. hahaha!!! It just takes sooooo long. lol. Need to go on some N shares....ASAP!!! lol. OH YAA!!!! EVERYONE DON'T USE MONEY BOX!! lol. i win 2million today, then lose 5!!! hahahaha!! I was so pissed!! lol. And the strange thing, you still feel like using it, even after you lose money. lol. Its evil!!! evil!! evil!!! lol.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm baaaaaaack... again xD lol

Well..I'm back again. Back for more. You miss me WYD??? lol. Been busy with stuff, but it's aaaall sorted now. lol.

Now what can I say?? Apart from, I missed WYD!!! lol. As you can see, there are a few gaps that need filling. Cyrus has gon god now. Still miss the mortal Cyrus though. He is much stronger than this one. lol. Guess he won't be when this one reaches 320 or so.

Went on a duel letter and got beat by those ghouls. hahahaha. know how funny that is?? lol. Mortal Cyrus owns those with one hand tied behind his back. lol. And another thing. Levelling these thins such a pain. lol. Ned to go on soooo many shares and stuff. lol. Oh well, guess its the game xD Thanks CMs for Hide and Seek, even though I not won yet. lol. Its...interesting.

Went Taron hunting today. Was funny, kept on getting visited by PKers. Actually, was irritating. Made me miss Cyrus original even more. He could fight those PKers no problem. But this one. lol. Issues!!!! lol.

Well, good to be back. See you around WYD everyone.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My friends - Xyra

OM Gosh!!! lol. I do not know how I cannot find an M share. lol. Is everyone avoiding me? What??? Have I got something on my face? xD lol. I'm still level 376. lol. Its no a hard level, but it's Starting to remind me of the 'famous' level 351. lol

Anyways. Today, I'll introduce you to a good in-game friend. Xyra. Hey Xy xD lol. Funny story how we met. lol. We met because of sapphires. lol. Xyra needed, and I had, so we ended up trading ori for sapphires. lol. She a very good business person. lol. Bet she could make a deal with the CMs to give her the prize xP lol. Sorry CMs, don't DQ me. lol.

And it's funny, since then, we just started hanging out. She really cool ^^
And she invented "The Famous" No Boot Race. lol. Cheers Xy. Was fun. lol. Hope to hunt again soon :) Say wasup to Axec.

ps. GMs should look into adding a mount racing event or something. lol

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My friends - Rekover

Today, since I was not playing for long as I was busy, I will continue to tell you about my friends. Just a quick update on my leveling, for all you keen followers xD lol. I'm still level 376, and still missed 2 M shares today. lol. Not good. lol

Let me introduce you to Rekover. This is my homie, my brother in arms. lol. Would say my wingman, but that de-grading. lol. Will say, we the 2 amigos. lol. or 2 musketeers. lol. We look a bit like twins, lol. He is also known as Rek. Funny when people call him Revoker instead of Rekover. lol. And they will ba saying it so confidently, lol.

Hope to play more tomorrow. Got that WYD craving, lol.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

End of the day....

Another WYD day goes by. Leveling going slow now. lol. Still the same level as yesterday. Didn't find any M shares. lol.

Met loads a my friends today though. lol. Was cool. Met my brother in arms, Rekover. Big up to ya man. Xyra came up with a funny idea today. No boot racing. lol. Very ingenius xD I'll take a SS next time we do it. Was to busy trying to win the race today. lol.

Oh well. I must be turning in now. Set up my shop as I usually do. Sold 1 thing already. lol. Lets hope I sell more. WYD economy is biting, seriously. lol xD

Friday, September 5, 2008

Taron hunt!!!!!!!!!! lol

Busy, busy these days. So CC hunt quite a bit these days. lol. Cyrus is level 375 now. 25 levels left to got to the BIG 400 xD lol

Went Taron hunting today. They only hit 140 max now. It's soooo funny. lol. It feels like yesterday since I would die from 1 hit from them. Now I can even afk to get a snack and nothing happens to Cyrus. lol. It so funny as well, how they drop so many gloves. lol. I'm not a person who accessorise with gloves Tarons!!!! lol. Keep your gloves. lol. They look better on you. lol. Too bad they can't do anything about your faces though xD lol

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 xD na..Just Homax

Heya all. Been another day of WYD exploring and battling. Went on an M share yesterday, was crazy xD. lol. That is some crazy exp goin on in there!!!... lol. Another step closer to level 400. xD

Back to my friends, today I'll introduce you to Homax. Like Muss, he also a beastmaster (BMs rotten KSers xD ) lol. Just kidding. lol, and also is a Global OP. Another chilled out in game friend I made, who likes to hunt rajuper broken, for some strange reason. xD lol. They hit to hard for me. lol.

Cheers Homax. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My friends - Muss

Hello all!!! :) blogging is back!!! lol. yay!! lol. How you all been CMs? Hope to see you around in the game.

Just a quick update on the past few days. I've levelled up, been killed by Foema, gotten broke and nearly had my horse killed. lol. All in 3 days. lol. xD I'm level 357 now, so slow levelling xD lol. Hope to join water M soon xD

Next few days I'll be talking about my WYD friends :). I'll start with Muss. Muss!!! Also known as Muss-man, Musstafa, Super-muss, Opti-Muss Prime xD lol. Neva realy hunted with him, but we talk quite a bit. lol. He a cool guy and lets not forget bout him being a Global OP. xD Way to go man. Keep up the good work.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I see dead people xD

Wow. Academy league today was....well...the same. lol. There are so many BM there. lol. They wipe you out before you can even do anything. lol. As you can see in the picture, I'm dead in there somewhere. lol

Looong day. I'm level 356 now. Yay!! lol. Getting higher and higher. :) Levelling is going good now. I'm sooooo relieved to be past 351. lol. You have nooo idea. lol. Oh, and got my elite adventurer cape. :) Cy looks better now. lol

Cheers for the journal event CMs. Look forward to what you do with the next one. Maybe I can continue Cy's story then xD lol. I'm working on the installments. lol.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Who am I?..... (Part...Wait a min. Interlude!!!! xD

Hello all. I know you wanted to see part 3, of Cy's adventure, but the actors involved are not So call this a filler. lol. you will just have to wait a bit more. lol

OM goodness. I don't think I've ever hunted this much in one day since I've started playing this game. Started off early morning went hunting with my friend Xyra in Kephra. My gosh those crimson spiders creep me out!!! lol. So big xD lol. Then got killed by a Lich. lol. Nasty things those. lol. Couldn't take screen shot of it. I was dead, embarrassing xD lol

Then hunted in desert for a few hours, good exp and drops today. Got 2 laks and 3 Ori from hunting today.I was surprised. lol. Hunted so much today, Taron, Spiders, Iron taron, those funny floating things in Kephra. lol. Look really weird. lol.

AND!!! I'm finally in the the 3rd quarter of lvl 351!!!!! whoooopeeeee!!! lol. Soon. Soon, back to normal. lol. And I met GM Hermes. He very blue xD lol. And he is big. lol. I look like a child next to him. lol. Hermes, if you have a green sword like that, Give it to me please xD lol. I'll pay you in installments. lol

Who am I?..... (Part 2)

As you know. Cyrus appears to have had some kind of dejavu encounter, or memory loss. He seeks the aid of the people he instantly remembers....

As I sit with who I can surprisingly remember, Rekover and Xyra. I sit silently while they tell me stories of past adventures we have encountered together. Strangely, despite what they say appears to be truthfull..I do not belive them...I feel like I could never have done such things as they say. I feel stuck in limbo. Floating between past and present, with no set past and no set future.

I listen to wat they have to say for hours...but I'm not convinced...till they mention the Kings name. Something in me instantly reacts to that. I press them to give me answers of where to find this king. They notice the great importance in my tone and expression, and agree to take me to him......

The adventure Continues......Will all be revealed?.....

PLEASE NOTE: Xyra and Rekover are 2 of the best players in the game and very good friends of mine. They always tell the truth and stuff, do not confuse my fiction story of them with real players character xD

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who am I?..... (Part 1)

Gazing into the distance, things seemed a bit different. I feel like Cyrus, have his memories...but I'm not sure why I'm different...Weild different weapons...yet share this outer skeleton once held by Cy...

I feel if my life has started all over again...given a second chance. A second shot at a distant power I so desperately wanted. xD I wonder who I am...I'm Cyrus...but at the same time...I'm not Cyrus...those who know the secret....please tell me who I am....

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Waiting, waiting, waiting for water..... lol

Despite the lag I experienced today, I just had to play WYD. lol. Waiting for waters today, was so funny. Some people really know how to spam. lol. I was mistaken for an OP. My gosh, now I see what yu-gi-oh was talking about. lol. Spam the whisper and spam the chat. lol. was so funny. I've never been spammed like that before. lol.

At least maintenance is done. Back to normal. Business as usual. lol. You know, the desert hunts, meeting new people, leveling up, and saving for the 8th skill. lol. xD

The new olympics questions is an interesting idea, but I wonder why when you answer correctly it says "0 exp". Is it supposed to give exp? xD If it did it would be wonderful!!!! xD lol. Thanks for the gold though xD very handy. Needed fenrir food again. lol

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm baaaaaaack.... lol

Hi all!!! posting a bit late coz had to do stuff first xD lol. but i'm back on wyd, and enjoying myself :) lol. Went hunting with my good friend Rekover today. Met HunterXiu as well. We aquinted, but still room for improved relations xD lol. jus kidding, don't PK me Hunter xD lol.

It's so good to be able to hunt in the desert without running away. lol. I remember when I started, I could only imagine how long it would take me to reach there, but not anymore. I'm here!!! Killing spiders, tarons and who knows what else. lol.

And I hate AFK PKers, killed one today, thought he was being smart. lol. I wasn't AFK xD. Come again, whatever your name is. lol. I'll call PK police next time. lol.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I miss WYD!!!!

Hi all. Late posting again. lol. Been busy all day today. Hate assignments. lol. Didn't play much today, Just went for waters, thanks Ysoso for the boxing. I'm finally on the first quarter of level 351!!! yay!!! lol. Its taken so long. lol. I could right a book on the adventures I've undertaken all this time. lol.

Well, good luck to all, and have fun gaming. Will definately be on tomorrow :) Feel like I've done nothing today. lol. Cause I haven't played WYD. lol

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ahhhhh!!! Cyrus become walking dead!!!

I still get freaked out up close with the skeleton suit. lol. Since when do walking dead hunt monsters? lol. Thought they hunt humans, and want to eat their brains or something. lol. (bad horror movies) xD lol

Got my butt kicked in academy league today. lol. Couldn't take a screen shot, was to busy trying to stay alive. lol. Maybe next time, I'll take a SS of dead Cyrus. lol xD

Oh, and I must lodge a complaint with the GM. Some un-courteous players on the game. Don/t want to mention names, but there are some that swear at will, and violate rules :( this does not help the outlook of the game... oh well, some people are just naturally rude I guess. Though they should leave it in their bedroom and not bring it online.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hmm...WORM HUNT!!!!

Purble worm hunting today!!!! xD lol. no good drops yet, but I'm hoping to get some good ones. lol. Those are some scary looking worms. lol, and they hit like...seriously!!! lol. and my gosh, what large mouths they have. lol

I have a stalker!!! CM Dhar, I'll report you to the PK police xD lol. Jokes. Good to see you Dhar. Wanted to put the screenshot i got of you today, but it was a sucky one. lol. Will zoom in more next time. xD Now I know why you run around so fast xD. So many spammers and people stalk you. lol.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Slow day....

What a day today. Not much going on, missed the general events, lol. Ended up going spider hunting with Azmon, a fellow Global guild member. Was funny, I just realized how unlucky I am with desert drops. lol. Only got 5 drops, lol, and I've never gotten a lak before in the desert. lol. I hear quite a few people have. lol. xD Rotten luck seems to follow me around. lol

Nearly the weekend. :) yay!!! Mod exp and drop rate. Aiming to get at least the 2nd quarter of this level. lol. Unless someone kind enough to sponsor a box, xD lol. Just stocking up on health potions to go purble worm hunting, those oversized, man eating fish looking....things. lol. They give good drops though. Hopefully I'll meet Xyra and join up with her party to go hunting them, and maybe...throw in a Mantrap.....or 10 xD lol, and a couple of hundred Iron Tarons. lol

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Can't Get enough of

Oh my goodness!!!! lol. I'm saying that for 2 reasons. First one being that, level 351 is looooooong. lol. Went for waters today, but alas, to no avail. lol. Not even the first quarter. lol

Second reason. My gosh!! Hunting xD lol, Broken. Wow! Those things are messed up. lol. 2 hits, dead. lol. Good thing today I found a good party to join. Thanks Sultan, thanks Homax, was interesting...until that big sword hits my Then it's just like... "RUN!!!!" ,lol. "AWAY!!!" lol. As you can somehow see from the pic, xD it's really big. lol. Good luck to whoever hunts one.

Been an eventfull day. Woke up to WYD, took a break, then back on again. What can I say? I'm addicted. lol. Hunted in areas I don't usually hunt in. Thanks for the Ice Field hunt Xyra. Good luck with your leveling xD

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Morning WYDing

350!!! Yippeeee!!! Lol. Now the big one, the 'BIG' 400 xD lol. What another loooong way to go. lol.

Saw CM Dhar and GM Loki in game today, wanted to get screenshots of em for my blog, but, lol, they run to fast. Lol. Oh, and I was busy trying to land the last blow on those attacking generals xD lol. Good fun. We mobbing the monsters instead of them mobbing us. lol

Met GM Nemesis today. Crap!!! There’s a weapon I wouldn’t want to be hit by. lol. See it in the pic. Lvl 1004!!! Lol. Whats your secret?... xP lol. Nemesis took us on a duel letter. Was fun, I didn’t die this time round. Last time I want, got my butt handed to me by a mob of WildTaur

Monday, August 18, 2008

Finally back on WYD after a loooooong day

Victory cheer!!! Yaaaaaa!!! lol. Finally back on WYD. Was itching to play it all day. lol. Level 349 now. yaaay!!! xD lol. 350 so close. I can smeeeell it. lol.

Went about doing some of my self appointed padawan duties today. Helping some people level up a bit. Not really looking forward to getting to level 370 and graduating from the Global Academy xD lol. Made friends in there. Like SultanJohor, DangerDusko, Kaylena, Muss and quite a few more I can't remember right now. Sorry guys xD lol. Don't PK me for that. lol. Always miss Gabrielle's shift though, lol. I'm asleep that time. lol. As well as other players from other guilds like, ZeusX, TUBE-STEAK and frenzy666 xP etc, etc xD lol.

Didn't do so well with the 00:00 game time general event, didn't get any scraps xD lol. Lots of KS. lol. Oh time. lol. Can't win em all. lol

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The next day....

Hmm..Well, what can I say another day goes by, a few more levels gained. Yay!!! lol. Reaching the 350 mark. Slowly but surely. Oh, and I must remember to buy horse feed, lol.

Finaly was able to get my Slayer plate to +9. Took me long enough. lol. Saw GM Loki and CM Dhar at the general event today, talk about the elephant and mouse size xD lol. Sorry CM and GM, jus had to say that xP lol. Managed to get lyk 5 scraps, thank goodness, lol. The other day got none. To many KS,lol.

Saving is's GOING, lol. always find something that I just have to buy. Its an addiction, realy hard to stop. lol. Just like gambling with Nell. Very addictive xD lol. Im hooked on that. lol.

Shout out to the Global OPs. Doing a good job as always. Though, haven't seen Gabrielle in a while. Heya Gabi :P lol.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


"ho hum..." (attepmted yawn. lol) another day in WYD. Its been a long 4 months since I started playing WYD. I've experienced so much. lol. From rude people to horrible PK people.

I'm stronger now though, can stand up for myself...kind off, but I still feel like a noob. lol. Academy games today were not bad. Another owning for me. Helped out a few people today as well. Hopefully they all appreciate it, know in this world there are some who don't appreciate squat.

Well, as always, time to leave for today, will try and get some stuff sold. Hopefully I make enough for a god pack soon. lol.