Well....it started out like any other day. lol. I managed to sel SOMEthing, lol. Finally. lol. I think the credit crisis affecting the world has hit WYD as well. lol. Everyone is broke. lol. Thought game economy and real life one is different. lol. Hope I manage to sell something today xD I'm saving for M scrolls. lol. Need to level up.
Went to kephra to hunt today. Following up on a lead about some good drops. lol. Lets just say.... the drop rate really sucks... or there something up with Kephra dungeon, lol. Spent 2 hours there, and only got 1 lak sc

I was really lucky in the shout event today. Got 3 out of the 5 questions right. Almost free laks!! yaaaay!! lol. +9 my dexterity earing and glory ankh now. So glad thats over and done with. Met CM Aruman for the first time.... briefly. lol. Next time stay a bit longer xD and interesting choice of weapons. lol. xD I did manage to get a SS of Aruman before he disappeared again. lol. Gotcha!!! xD I.m out of shouts now... so.. hehehe. Don't know what I'll do. lol.
And I was enlightened on a bug that is in the game. lol. Very funny Kim xD See how we under water in the pic. lol. Funny. And no swimming gear xD lol. Armour very heavy, so sink to the bottom. lol. CM Aruman, how come you didn't comment on our lovely positioning on the WYD map? xP lol.
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