New chapter for Cyrus today. He has joined the ranks of Shield guild. Hoping to continue his self appointed job of 'serve and protect' lol. xD I'll just see how it goes. No giuld war today, but hey, Cy not really combat ready yet. lol
At least got more drops than yesterday in the snowfield. lol. Although, they are just fairy parts. lol. Maybe might use them one day... in ten years. lol
Heard that CM Tonbarry has left us.... hmm... that is sad.. Wish you all the best T, wherever you going. Was fun having you here ^^

Went to watch the academy league today.. Found it a bit unfair though... Yes, some coutries have more players than others.. but still.. Its not fair, as one of these countries will always win.
And some countries have maybe only 1 or 2 players on at that time. They don't get a chance to fight. But well, if the GMs find it ok for the imbalance, then.. I guess we just have to accept it.
Good day to you all, and happy wyding
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