Hmm..Well, what can I say another day goes by, a few more levels gained. Yay!!! lol. Reaching the 350 mark. Slowly but surely. Oh, and I must remember to buy horse feed, lol.
Finaly was able to get my Slayer plate to +9. Took me long enough. lol. Saw GM Loki and CM Dhar at the general event today, talk about the elephant and mouse size xD lol. Sorry CM and GM, jus had to say that xP lol. Managed to get lyk 5 scraps, thank goodness, lol. The other day got none. To many KS,lol.
Saving is going...well....it's GOING, lol. always find something that I just have to buy. Its an addiction, realy hard to stop. lol. Just like gambling with Nell. Very addictive xD lol. Im hooked on that. lol.
Shout out to the Global OPs. Doing a good job as always. Though, haven't seen Gabrielle in a while. Heya Gabi :P lol.
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