Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spot Cy xD

Hello all. welcome to my blog for today xD Lets play a little game of spot Cyrus. lol. Went for a water N today, and was thinking....hmmm....hide and seek. lol xD so click the pic to enlarge it, n good luck finding me xD lol. CMs will give you lak if you do (unofficial) lol. If Cms find me.....then they give me lak. lol

Long day today. Can't believe how much time I spend on this game.lol. Addicted. lol. Seeeeeeriously. lol. Saw CM Dhar today. He was busy racing his pig. lol. Looked like good fun, but was to busy admiring the weapon I want to buy.lol. Anct thorn of shard, piercing dmg.lol. My eyes dazzle when I see them. lol. See you tomorrow everyone xD

Monday, September 29, 2008

Funny day

OM goodness. Today was a very.....interesting day...lots happened. lol.

Went on 3 or was it 4 duel letters, we were very unlucky. lol. Only managed to get the boss once, and time finished just as we were about to kill him. lol. was funny. After trying so hard. lol

Had a water M as well. That is the funniest water M I've been on. Had everything in there. Action, drama, comedy lol. Only romance was missing. lol. Not that it was needed xD lol.

WYD is cool. meet cool people more frequently these days. Sup Silver xD see you round, you to head-hunter xD lol

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lone wolf.....

Level 286 now. yay!!! I'm surprised at how strong the god characters are. It's really amazing. lol. I was hunting in the snowfield today.... alone!!! with lots of pots. lol.

But thats me...the lone wolf, the lone ranger. If I can stand alone, I will xD lol. Met zeken today. Cheers for the interesting deal zeken. See you round in game. He a cool guy from what I have seen so far xD ....apart from when he gets into scary PK mode. lol. Like in seige war. lol.

Another long day, comes to an end. Thanks GMs for the double exp rate. Really helped loads xD look forward to your next delightful gift like that xD lol

Saturday, September 27, 2008

2nd meeting can be good (^-^,)

My oh my. WYD...lol. I don't know how you do it. lol. Kept me up aaaaaaall night. lol. Finally managed to get into an N share today. At 4AM!!!! lol. Was so tired today.lol. Gained a few levels so thats good. I'm looking forward to the double exp and drop rate now.

Hunted with Zombi today. Was an interesting meeting. This the second time we met, 1st time wasn't so....rosey. lol. I just ended up moving spots then, he was God, iwas mortal xD lol. But hey, I guess there are good people out there. lol. And thanks Cannibal, for the TK tips. I try my best xD

Well...its been i reeeeeeeally long day. lol. Geting ready for bed....finally, after not sleeping because of waiting for an N share. lol. Adict!!!I know. xD lol

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bad day on WYD....

Hmmm...sorry for the late blog..guess it will just have to go into tomorrows blog entries. Didn't want to touch anything to do with WYD yesterday. Failed in making an Ancient weapon... :( ALL weapons!!! GONE!!! waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *sniff* *sniff* such a waste of money...

You can see Cy, taking out his frustration on a bunch of Taron. lol. And gained one level doing so. lol. Still need a healer though.

Sooooo long levelling god characters. Just waitng for Saturdays double exp rate. Gonna hunt like mad person. lol

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Longest AFK hunting.....

Longest AFK hunting I have done in a while!! lol. Started off in dungeon on Fire golems. Hmm...what can I say? Levelling a God. GMs really made you regret creating a God, huh? lol. It's good, so there won't be too many running around. lol.

Today, was so funny. Went for a group hunt with Homax and callmeboss in the desert. Went to hunt purbleworms. I kept dieing!!! hahahaha. Felt like class A noob. lol. Kept thinking to myself, really wish Cy original was here. lol. He not die so easy against those things, infact, he eat them for lunch xD lol. Oh yes. And no money boxes for me. Though I must admit, I was tempted to look for one. lol. See!!!! Evil!!!! lol

I do not know why...but for some strange reason, my browser is refusing to upload pics to this blog today...hope it not a virus xD lol.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not much play today xD lol

Hello all. Didn't play WYD that much today, lol. Because I was up till 3AM playing it, and ended up waking up late, then running like a headless chicken to go and do what I had to. lol

But when I was online, talked to thyrene.....for the first time!!!. lol. She is really cool, she took us on an M/N share, was a mixture. Was fun. lol. Thanks thyrene. ps. Your hunter is really cool xD when you goin God? xD

OM Goodness!!! Talk about level 351 mortal. lol. Levelling a god character is like an endless level 351. hahaha!!! It just takes sooooo long. lol. Need to go on some N shares....ASAP!!! lol. OH YAA!!!! EVERYONE DON'T USE MONEY BOX!! lol. i win 2million today, then lose 5!!! hahahaha!! I was so pissed!! lol. And the strange thing, you still feel like using it, even after you lose money. lol. Its evil!!! evil!! evil!!! lol.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm baaaaaaack... again xD lol

Well..I'm back again. Back for more. You miss me WYD??? lol. Been busy with stuff, but it's aaaall sorted now. lol.

Now what can I say?? Apart from, I missed WYD!!! lol. As you can see, there are a few gaps that need filling. Cyrus has gon god now. Still miss the mortal Cyrus though. He is much stronger than this one. lol. Guess he won't be when this one reaches 320 or so.

Went on a duel letter and got beat by those ghouls. hahahaha. know how funny that is?? lol. Mortal Cyrus owns those with one hand tied behind his back. lol. And another thing. Levelling these thins such a pain. lol. Ned to go on soooo many shares and stuff. lol. Oh well, guess its the game xD Thanks CMs for Hide and Seek, even though I not won yet. lol. Its...interesting.

Went Taron hunting today. Was funny, kept on getting visited by PKers. Actually, was irritating. Made me miss Cyrus original even more. He could fight those PKers no problem. But this one. lol. Issues!!!! lol.

Well, good to be back. See you around WYD everyone.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My friends - Xyra

OM Gosh!!! lol. I do not know how I cannot find an M share. lol. Is everyone avoiding me?.....lol. What??? Have I got something on my face? xD lol. I'm still level 376. lol. Its no a hard level, but it's Starting to remind me of the 'famous' level 351. lol

Anyways. Today, I'll introduce you to a good in-game friend. Xyra. Hey Xy xD lol. Funny story how we met. lol. We met because of sapphires. lol. Xyra needed, and I had, so we ended up trading ori for sapphires. lol. She a very good business person. lol. Bet she could make a deal with the CMs to give her the prize xP lol. Sorry CMs, don't DQ me. lol.

And it's funny, since then, we just started hanging out. She really cool ^^
And she invented "The Famous" No Boot Race. lol. Cheers Xy. Was fun. lol. Hope to hunt again soon :) Say wasup to Axec.

ps. GMs should look into adding a mount racing event or something. lol

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My friends - Rekover

Today, since I was not playing for long as I was busy, I will continue to tell you about my friends. Just a quick update on my leveling, for all you keen followers xD lol. I'm still level 376, and still missed 2 M shares today. lol. Not good. lol

Let me introduce you to Rekover. This is my homie, my brother in arms. lol. Would say my wingman, but that de-grading. lol. Will say, we the 2 amigos. lol. or 2 musketeers. lol. We look a bit like twins, lol. He is also known as Rek. Funny when people call him Revoker instead of Rekover. lol. And they will ba saying it so confidently, lol.

Hope to play more tomorrow. Got that WYD craving, lol.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

End of the day....

Another WYD day goes by. Leveling going slow now. lol. Still the same level as yesterday. Didn't find any M shares. lol.

Met loads a my friends today though. lol. Was cool. Met my brother in arms, Rekover. Big up to ya man. Xyra came up with a funny idea today. No boot racing. lol. Very ingenius xD I'll take a SS next time we do it. Was to busy trying to win the race today. lol.

Oh well. I must be turning in now. Set up my shop as I usually do. Sold 1 thing already. lol. Lets hope I sell more. WYD economy is biting, seriously. lol xD

Friday, September 5, 2008

Taron hunt!!!!!!!!!! lol

Busy, busy these days. So CC hunt quite a bit these days. lol. Cyrus is level 375 now. 25 levels left to got to the BIG 400 xD lol

Went Taron hunting today. They only hit 140 max now. It's soooo funny. lol. It feels like yesterday since I would die from 1 hit from them. Now I can even afk to get a snack and nothing happens to Cyrus. lol. It so funny as well, how they drop so many gloves. lol. I'm not a person who accessorise with gloves Tarons!!!! lol. Keep your gloves. lol. They look better on you. lol. Too bad they can't do anything about your faces though xD lol

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Homaxxxxx.....lol xD na..Just Homax

Heya all. Been another day of WYD exploring and battling. Went on an M share yesterday, was crazy xD. lol. That is some crazy exp goin on in there!!!... lol. Another step closer to level 400. xD

Back to my friends, today I'll introduce you to Homax. Like Muss, he also a beastmaster (BMs rotten KSers xD ) lol. Just kidding. lol, and also is a Global OP. Another chilled out in game friend I made, who likes to hunt rajuper broken, for some strange reason. xD lol. They hit to hard for me. lol.

Cheers Homax. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My friends - Muss

Hello all!!! :) blogging is back!!! lol. yay!! lol. How you all been CMs? Hope to see you around in the game.

Just a quick update on the past few days. I've levelled up, been killed by Foema, gotten broke and nearly had my horse killed. lol. All in 3 days. lol. xD I'm level 357 now, so slow levelling xD lol. Hope to join water M soon xD

Next few days I'll be talking about my WYD friends :). I'll start with Muss. Muss!!! Also known as Muss-man, Musstafa, Super-muss, Opti-Muss Prime xD lol. Neva realy hunted with him, but we talk quite a bit. lol. He a cool guy and lets not forget bout him being a Global OP. xD Way to go man. Keep up the good work.