Well..I'm back again. Back for more. You miss me WYD??? lol. Been busy with stuff, but it's aaaall sorted now. lol.
Now what can I say?? Apart from, I missed WYD!!! lol. As you can see, there are a few gaps that need filling. Cyrus has gon god now. Still miss the mortal Cyrus though. He is much stronger than this one. lol. Guess he won't be when this one reaches 320 or so.
Went on a duel letter and got beat by those ghouls. hahahaha. know how funny that is?? lol. Mortal Cyrus owns those with one hand tied behind his back. lol. And another thing. Levelling these thins such a pain. lol. Ned to go on soooo many shares and stuff. lol. Oh well, guess its the game xD Thanks CMs for Hide and Seek, ev

en though I not won yet. lol. Its...interesting.
Went Taron hunting today. Was funny, kept on getting visited by PKers. Actually, was irritating. Made me miss Cyrus original even more. He could fight those PKers no problem. But this one. lol. Issues!!!! lol.
Well, good to be back. See you around WYD everyone.